Cursor Editor


Zombies are reanimated, mindless, decaying corpses with a hunger for human brains. They are the main antagonists of Plants vs. Zombies, as the objective of the game is to prevent them from eating the player's brains. Zombies, like their defensive counterparts the plants, are varied in strength as well as speed, and command unique aspects which must be countered appropriately. in: Featured Article
Created: 7 years ago
From: Ghazt2000
License: Creative Commons, no attribution

How to add the cursor to your webpage ?

  • Download cursor
  • Put the .cur file into your webserver directory
  • Add the following line to your CSS:
    cursor: url('/YOUR_PATH/cursor.cur'), auto;
  • Replace YOUR_PATH with the correct paths

- or -

  • Put the following line into your HTML:

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