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Images with Tag ultra

Results 1-8 of 8
LUNALA i worked realy hard on this please use it
Created: 7 months ago
From: digger
Created: 2 years ago
From: elga_bolo
Image result for fume ultra greatsword In comparison to the Heavy-infused Greatsword: the Fume Ultra Greatsword has larger range, Great Hammer poise health, Higher resulting damage (despite its ~30 lower AR, it deals Strike damage and most armors have lower strike absorption), the Weapon Art stomp R2 has more range, has enough stability and absorption to be a amazing strength weapon
Created: 2 years ago
its the greatsword from dark souls its one of the strength weapons of dark souls with a maximum of 320 or 314 damage also it has insane reach and it weights 20 units
Created: 2 years ago
its the greatsword from dark souls its one of the strength weapons of dark souls with a maximum of 320 or 314 damage also it has insane reach and it weights 20 units
Created: 2 years ago
its the greatsword from dark souls
Created: 2 years ago
Created: 8 years ago
Results 1-8 of 8

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